Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An Interesting Occurrence

An interesting occurrence is happening. I am unemployed now for approximately 5 months. I took on a temporary job contacting employers verifying employment of employees seeking loans. While the work is interesting. The people we speak with often fascinating and revealing, this is not what is interesting.

Having read an interesting study in my work as corporate trainer (I wish I could properly quote the study or comment) it identified the most important word to people. You know something that is important to us, something to which we pay special. Any ideas? That word is your name. We like to hear our name spoken.

Now what is really interesting is the fact that in many of the phone calls made daily I find that people, over 40% do not identify themselves by name. Not only do people answering the phone do not identify themselves, the voice mail messages to leave a message are done very fast so it is difficult, near impossible to identify who they are.

We love to hear our name, it is the one important work that makes us feel good, yet we don't permit it to be used.


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